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Military Police

by Keith Pascal

Having the job of MP (military police) is serious business. You have to control potentially rowdy situations. And you have to do so in a civilized manner ... most of the time.

MPs put themselves in danger all of the time. It's the nature of the duty/job.

Would you like to know one situation that military police put themselves at risk?

And would you like to know how to cover this gap in safety with a simple move?


Martial Arts training -- wrist lock -- at home


Military Police Use Arm Bars

Imagine for a moment that you are on duty as a military police officer.

While on duty, you have to detain a guy -- someone breaking the rules with disorderly conduct of some type.

You check the guy for a weapon -- you "frisk" him against the wall. He starts to resist.

What do you do?


Avoid the Danger

If you break contact at this point, you could be endangering yourself needlessly.

Remember, you are already in close. You are checking for a weapon. Maybe you have to put handcuffs on. (I am not there, so I don't know. And it is a hypothetical military police scenario.)

Anyway, my suggestion is that to avoid the danger, you maintain contact.

Either push him back up against the wall, or control him in another direction.


The arm bar is perfect for either action

If you apply an arm bar, before your charge pulls away from the wall, you shove him straight back against it with solid pressure just above the elbow.

And if your detainee needs to be controlled with more force, then you direct him down to the ground. Hold him in the arm bar the entire time.

At this point, if prudent, you could wait for back-up of more military police. You have control in this position, and it doesn't take much energy on your part should you need to wait.


Wrist and Joint Locks ebook Of all of the martial arts books written by Keith Pascal, Wrist Locks: From Protecting Yourself to Becoming an Expert is the book that martial artists enjoy working through the most.

Now, this new and revised edition has 423 new photos -- joint-lock sequences to help you control others with ease. It also boasts new locks and two new bonus chapters, featuring Steve Golden, an original Bruce Lee and Ed Parker student.

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Read more about Wrist Locks Revised (available in soft cover) ....

Wrist Locks is one of the most practical books for training at home. Find out all about this book, now.


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